Fit a mediation model via penalized maximum likelihood and structural equation model. The regularization path is computed for the lasso or elasticnet penalty at a grid of values for the regularization parameter lambda. Currently, mediation analysis is developed based on gaussian assumption.
sparse.mediation.largep_omega(X, M, Y, tol = 10^(-10), max.iter = 10, lambda2 = 0.3, lambda1 = seq(0.02, 0.4, length = 5), tau = 1, alpha = 1, verbose = FALSE, Omega.out = FALSE)
X | One-dimensional predictor |
M | Multivariate mediator |
Y | Outcome |
tol | (default -10^(-10)) convergence criterion |
max.iter | (default=100) maximum iteration |
lambda2 | Tuning parameter for Covariance matrix L1 penalization |
lambda1 | (default=seq(0.02,0.4,length=5)) tuning parameter for regression coefficient L1 penalization |
tau | (default=1) tuning parameter for L1 penality weighting for paths a and b. |
alpha | (defult=1) tuning parameter for L2 penalization |
verbose | (default=FALSE) print progress |
Omega.out | (defult=FALSE) output Omega estimates (beta version WIP.) |
c directeffect
hatb Path b (M->Y given X) estimates
hata Path a (X->M) estimates
medest Mediation estimates (a*b)
lambda1 Tuning parameters for regression coefficients
lambda2 Tuning parameters for inversed covariance matrix (Omega)
nump Number of selected mediation paths
Omega Estimated covariance matrix of the mediator
Multiple Mediaton Model: (1) M = Xa + e1 (2) Y = Xc' + Mb + e2 And in the optimization, we do not regularize c', due to the assumption of partial mediation.
library(sparsemediation) N=100 V=200 set.seed(1234) covmat=matrix(0,V+2,V+2); covmat[1,2]=0.5;covmat[1, (1:3)+2]=rep(0.5,3);covmat[2, (1:3)+2]=rep(0.5,3); covmat=covmat+t(covmat);diag(covmat)<-1 sqrtmat = sqrtmat.comp(covmat) tmpmat = matrix(rnorm(N*(V+2)),N,V+2) %*% sqrtmat X=tmpmat[,1] Y=tmpmat[,2] M=tmpmat[,-c(1:2)] #fit=sparse.mediation.largep_omega(X,M,Y)