The goal of sparsemediation is to conduct sparse mediation analysis.
You can install the released version of sparsemediation from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
The sparse.mediation
function conducts sparse mediation for the specified tuning parameters for elastic net. Cross-validation is possible using cv.sparse.mediation
N = 100
V = 50
a = rbinom(V, 1, 0.1) * 5
b <- a
X = scale(rnorm(N))
M = X %*% t(a) + matrix(rnorm(N * V), N, V)
Y = 10 * X + M %*% b + rnorm(N)
cvfit <- cv.sparse.mediation(
tol = 10 ^ (-10),
K = 4,
max.iter = 100,
lambda = log(1 + (1:10) / 25),
tau = c(0.5, 1, 2),
multicore = 4,
seednum = 1e+06
# fit <- sparse.mediation(
# X,
# M,
# Y,
# tol = 10 ^ (-10),
# max.iter = 100,
# lambda = cvfit$cv.lambda,
# tau = cvfit$cv.tau
# )